Thursday, December 15, 2011

Little Nicky Saban!

Lemme tell ya sumpin!
          Is this man as uncaring as Satan himself. That's the name many of his detractors call him. A man as successful as Little Nicky is surely gonna have his detractors. He certainly comes off as one dimensional. When listening to him he gives the impression as someone who has no life outside of his job. Then there was that recent interview by former Miami Dolphins player, Heath Evans, about Saban stepping over a convulsing player. That tells me no matter how many games he wins, I do not want my son playing for him. That's not dedication, not professionalism, not being a coach. It's being an uncaring asshole.
          Then theres the recruit over signing thing. When Little Nicky Saban gives you a scholarship, will he take it back. He'll do anything to win. That certainly fits in with the philosophy of the university of Alabama. Their known as the lying est, cheaten est, program in the history of the college football. They step over stuff all the time down there, things like honesty, and integrity. Are they cheating? Are they Alabama. Time will tell. By the way, I got some books I need to sell...
          He's got 2 national Championships and he's playing for the third on Monday January 9 2011, at the Louisiana Super Dome. The opponent will be the school where he won his first National Championship at. The Tigers of LSU. The school that gave him the opportunity of a lifetime, the opportunity to be a head coach in the only conference that really counts in college football. Then he left them for NFL.
         He'll do anything to win. He fits right in at Alabama, the cheatinest program in NCAA football. They'll all step over a convulsing person to win down there.
          In the Championship game he'll match up against LSU's Les Miles, who has never stepped over a convulsing player that I know of. He's going for his second Championship.  Then theres the Chief, LSU's Defensive coordinator who is this years recipient of the Frank Broyles award. Congrats Chief! 
I'm rooting for the good guys, Geaux Tigers!   

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