Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Players Stand with Paterno!

Lemme tell ya sumpin!

          That fine with me, I'll take my stand with the children. The letter titled "The Penn State Football Family" stated we stand in support of Joe and Penn State. They also state that they support the victims of Joe Paterno's good friend, Jerry Sandusky. Sorry, it's not that easy. You don't support the perpetrator and the victim. In America we have laws against things like harboring a wanted person, knowing about a crime and not coming forward, receiving stolen property...  These come under the heading "accessory". I am obviously not a lawyer. But I say Joe Paterno knew exactly what was going on with Jerry Sandusky. For these 382 former players to be blinded by loyalty to a pedophile enabler is sick. They say they understand the public's outrage, but they can't, because they continue to support the enabler himself, Joe Paterno. It is a fitting legacy that he will be forever known as the man who knew, but did nothing.     

Joe Paterno says'
"I Wish I Had Done More"
The little kids do too, Joe.
 The little do too!
           The letter states "Joe has taught Penn State faith, fairness, philanthropy, and the importance of academic excellence - all values that make Penn State a great institution today! I guess Joe didn't teach them about doing the right thing. Or if he did, then he didn't practice what he preaches. The right thing would have been to stop his good friend Jerry Sandusky from raping little boys at all costs.
          This case calls for an Al Pacino like performance the way he did in "Scent of a Women"
          The bottom line is Joe knew what was going on and did nothing. This so called man of integrity, did nothing. He passed it up, it was covered up, and he did nothing, and the raping of little boys continued and he knew it continued, because nothing was done about it.
          But hey a lot of football games were played, and a lot of money was made, and that's what it's all about a Penn State. The band plays on and everyone falls in line to support the program and the man. It's Disgusting.   

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